Paphs and phrags, oh, my.   Orchid Inn, Marriott Orchids, Whippoorwill
Orchids, Woodstream Orchids, Fox Valley Orchids, Windy Hill Orchids, Leo
Schordje, Orchid Trading Company, Orchids by the Ackers.  That should get
you started, and keep you penniless for years to come.  All have web pages,
and can be linked from the Orchid Mall.

I'm sure there are others.  Have fun looking!

li'l frog

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Miller
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 2:31 PM
Subject: [OGD] Dependable source for Paphs

Greeting all,

This is my first posting. I have really enjoyed reading many of the 
messages here. I grew up in Miami and had a huge collection of 
orchids, as well as carnivorous plants (Sarracenia, Drosera and 
Nepenthes). But I got to moving so much, I couldn't keep my 

But now I am close to retiring and live in Florida again (this time 
in Tallahassee, where we have had a cold, miserable winter so far). 
It's definitely time to start growing again. I've purchased some nice 
Paphs and Phals from our local nursery, but since they don't sell 
well, they are ridiculously expensive. I'm hoping one of you 
knowledgeable and experienced people can point me in the right 
direction for a dependable (and affordable) source of plants. I'm 
mainly interested in Paphs and Phrags, but heck, they are all so 
beautiful. I just finished off a tropical (heated) greenhouse and 
also have a multi-rack stand with grow-lux lamps for the cool growers.

Any help would be appreciated and I wouldn't mind hearing from dealers.

Thanks in advance (and I can't wait for spring to get here)!

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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