The Bonsai Club of Central New York adopted this idea last year. Since it seems to be successful, my cousin suggested I pass it along.
Many small organizations have a few hundred dollars in their treasury, enough to operate, but not enough to invite a good professional speaker from out of town very often. Our club established a grant. Any member who would like to attend a regional or national convention can ask the club for financial help. So far it is usually $100. In exchange, the recipient must agree to provide the club with at least one demonstration, lecture, or workshop during the coming year. This way, you have more members attending educational events and bringing the information back to their club. It is also a way of rewarding members who have already shared their experience but are not going to ask for payment. The money will return in the long run as a more knowledgeable club attracts more members and produces a more profitable annual show.
Iris Cohen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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