I emailed the message below to Martin Topletz directly, but in view of Andy's remarks impugning my judging qualifications, without bothering to check facts as usual, I am appending it and submitting it to the general OGD readership.
    No, I am not an accredited AOS judge, but no such requirement has ever been stipulated by the WOC.  I am an accredited judge of the South Florida Orchid Society, the group controlled by Robert Fuchs, and he himself wrote a testimonial to the judging committee of the last WOC that established my qualifications for judging [how fickle we are!].  Furthermore, I have judged at four of the Miami International Orchid Shows, which are organized by the very same Robert Fuchs, and I have directed their multifaceted educational programs during these years as well.  Needless to say I have since severed support for all functions sponsored by Robert Fuchs, which might explain the motivation in part for his unethical behavior.  I have attended, and been welcomed at, all of the judging sessions of the Florida-Caribbean AOS judging center for a number of years, but I have declined to enter their rigorous judging program because of my age.  Nevertheless they often seek information from me concerning evaluation of rarer species and their hybrids.  In addition I judge, or do the exposition of the members' plants, at five other local orchid clubs.  In passing I can't help comment that Robert Fuchs failed to earn accreditation at our local regional AOS and had to seek his accreditation at the Atlanta Judging Center where he is less well known. One of his satellite WOC objectors, his partner Michael Coronado, is himself not an accredited AOS judge; so much for Fuch's consistency. 
    Some years ago Robert Fuchs prevented an accredited AOS judge from AOS judging at his Miami International Orchid Show [contrary to AOS regulations for an AOS judged show] and he [or the Show] ultimately had to pay legal damages, but he is a slow learner.  These are the facts I will lay out to the WOC Directorship in the expanded complaint I intend to submit to them.
    A few comments directed to Andy:  Who appointed you as the ultimate judge of judges?  Judging is subjective and judging judges' qualifications is subjective.  I am reminded of a line of "Jenny's Song" from the Three Penny Opera where she fantasizes herself as a pirate strolling down the street pointing to the innocent passersby, "That one lives and that one dies."  In science we garner all the facts together and then we search for a comprehensive hypothesis, subject to test.  Conclusions based on opinions for which facts are irrelevant belong to the realm of Religion.  At the very least my background in Science provides me a discipline that appears to be lacking in many of Andy's vituperative posts.
                                                                                Bert Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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