Thank you, Peter.   There have been comments about those who don't
contribute orchid knowledge to this arena, and merely try to keep peace.  I
am one.   I mostly lurk, and try to learn from those who are more
experienced growers.  I am a hobby grower, I grow orchids because I love the
colors and delightful fragrance of the ones I bloom.  I know that there are
contributors who know much more about culture, PH, ppm, photons, and
everything else that you can obsess about when growing the little devils.  I
can contribute very little to those discussions.  But I love my flowers, and
I love learning more about how to grow them well, and about new discoveries
in the orchid world.  I dislike the petty arguments about how many angels
dance on the head of a pin.  It really makes no difference to the hundreds
of thousands of orchid growers like me, who just like the flowers.  I know
that it is important to know about the details of the anatomy and chemistry
of the plants, and it is good that someone out there finds pleasure and
satisfaction in discovering that information.  But arguments about who knows
more, and who's information is more valuable or more relevant are disruptive
to this list, and chase away some of the people who have information to
contribute.  Some of the arguments just don't make sense, and just don't

My 'get over it' post was a tongue in cheek effort to try to get the
arguments to stop, and the information to continue.  A lively discussion is
excellent.  A verbal brawl, including blows below the belt, is extremely bad
for everyone who is exposed to it.

li'l frog

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter O'Byrne
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 7:39 AM
Subject: [OGD] John Vandermeulen's slander and strife

Jean Vandermeulen said:

"several contributors are making complete asses of themselves, plus
they are taking up valuable time and space, and they are depriving the
rest of us of useful orchid-rearing tips and tricks. ..... go
off-line, and leave the rest of us talk about orchids. "

Jean, this forum is for people with an interest in orchids. Amateur
orchid-growers (from what you wrote it seems that you're in this
category) often seem to think they're the only members of the orchid
community, but they're actually only one of a number of groups of
people who are interested in orchids. These groups hardly ever
interact, except on this forum and at WOC's.

Lets list some of the other groups:

a) Professional orchid-growers, ie people who grow and sell orchids
for a living. There are a lot of them on this forum, some of them are
very vocal, and, like you, they often choose to ignore the fact that
there are other orchid-interested groups out there.

b) Professional growers of orchids for the cut-flower market. Quite a
number have subscribed to this list in the past and may still be
subscribers, but they never, ever, ever stop lurking. In economic
terms, these guys are the only significant group of orchid-interested
people on the planet. If you don't believe me, check out the

c) Professional scientists with a specialty in orchids. You could
subdivide this groups into a dozen or so sub-groups, according to
interest and specialty. A surprisingly large number subscribe to this
list, but they hardly ever contribute directly. Some of them are
barred by contractual terms from doing anything other than passive
reading. Others don't want to get involved in public exchanges with
amateurs and the vocalists from Group A (hardly surprising,
considering some of the things that have been said about scientists on
this forum), so any contribution they make is usually posted through
an intermediary.

d) Amateur scientists with a specialty in orchids. (Amateur in the
sense that they don't get paid for their work; not necessarily amateur
in the quality of the work they do). There have always been many of
these involved in orchids, and there are still many scattered around
the world. A large proportion of our knowledge of orchids is the
result of the work of amateurs. Several (including myself) subscribe
to OGD.

e) People with an environmental/conservation interest in orchids.
Members of this group tend to shot down in flames the moment they try
to say anything on this forum, since they are in direct conflict with
the interests of most amateur growers and Group A members.

f) Professional politicians with a specialty in orchids. 

g) Law-enforcement personnel with a specialty in orchids. The OGD must
be compulsory reading for your (US) orchid police ... Fish & Wildlife
Service, or whatever you call them.

h) Others, eg people who work at Botanic Gardens, collectors of orchid
literature, producers of orchid literature, photographers, students,
full-time orchid-collectors, orchid-smugglers, etc.

Jean, this forum is for members of all the above groups, not just
yours. It doesn't bother me when you make a complete ass of yourself
by assuming that the only people interested in orchids are those like
yourself. It is a common enough misconception. Personally, I have
hardly any interest in your "useful orchid-rearing tips and tricks",
but I don't complain that you (and others who are interested in these
tips) are "taking up valuable time and space", or depriving me of
anything. I certainly wouldn't be so rude as to tell you to "go
off-line", just because I'm not interested in what you're saying.

I'd use the "scroll" button. Why don't you try it ?

Peter O'Byrne
in Singapore

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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