
If you would be so kind as to post the addresses of the old and new sites, I would be glad to take a look at the code, and make recommendations on how you can optimize your new site to do better in Search Engine results. (Uri Baruk was essentially correct, [if I interpret his brief remark correctly], that you want to raise the "Searchability" of your new site, to make it more attractive to Search Engines.)

There are two other approaches that you might try. You might be able to get the original owner of the site to get Geocities to shut it down; I do not expect this will be particularly effective, as free webhosts do not generally have lots of customer support people available to help with this sort of thing. You might also request to the good folks at Google to remove your old site from their database.

If you type phalaenopsis flasks or phalaenopsis seedlings into Google, you will see my website; in North America, it comes up in number one position. I am not the oldest, nor the bestest Phal site out there, but I have a good deal of experience doing SEO (Search Engine Optimnization). I can tell you how to increase the rank of your new site.

Robert Bedard

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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