Andy, my better instincts tell me to ignore your post, but you did invoke the doctrine of Personal Privilege by mentioning my name.
    I was able to learn that others have been retained as judges in good standing in the SFOS for years after they stopped judging.  The legitimacy of Fuchs' claim that I was no longer an SFOS judge in good standing and therefore should not judge at the WOC is blunted by the fact that one remains a judge at the SFOS only with Fuchs' own personal indulgence.
    I cannot account for your inference, that anything I have posted implies I do not deplore the atrocities against the vendors committed in Dijon, other than as an advanced case of Paranoia.  I will be representing Malala Orchids of Madagascar at the Redlands Orchid Fair in May, so I am particularly outraged at the way the French Plant Police have treated them.  I have had a recent communication from Malala clarifying the rationalization of the atrocity committed against them by the French Plant Police. They chose to regard the Madagascan CITES papers as limited to seedlings or meristems, despite the specifics in Chapter III, article 26, of the "Journal officiel des Communautees Europeenes" of 9/19/2001, that they also apply to vegitativly propagated plants.  Apparently laboratory propagation is not yet prevalent in Madagascar.  The fact that, under French administration, 98% of the Malagasy forests were destroyed for lumber and fuel makes current collecting rather impractical.
    As for the non sequitor linking me to Andy's bête noire, Joyce Stuart, I don't know her personally and, as I have explained above, I get my Angraecoids directly from the source.  More Easton Paranoia.  Andy should be more concerned about the local administration of the NEXT WOC, slated to be directed by that other orchid autocrat, Robert Fuchs.  Before it's over I predict that, by comparison, Joyce Stuart will appear in retrospect as benign as Mother Teresa. 
                                                                    Bert Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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