Heather who said:
> In other words, will it be 2 years before we see seedlings offered
>for sale in US or not?
Whoever purchased Pk flasks from Manola Arias can sell the seedlings
right away, to anyone in his or her country.
Forget that  you signed a ridiculous "2 years no selling" document with
INRENA. You did it to just get them out of Peru. It is not a legal
document INRENA can use against you.
One note of caution: If you deflask Manola Arias's Pk flasked seedlings,
they are now Pk plants, and thus subject to App I CITES rules,  i.e. you
will need CITES export and import permits to have them cross international borders.
Now that INRENA has allowed Pk flasks to leave Peru, the gates are down
for all Pk flasks propagated from seeds of illegal, smuggled, Phragmipedium  
kovachii plants, known to exist all over the world..
Just watch the   $550.- per flask  price drop very quickly to normal..
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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