Andy's latest dart, targeted at Peter O'Byrne, inadvertently clarified his off OGD email to me of 4/6/05 assuring me cavalierly that " will not be among the judges at the Miami WOC in 2008."  He now asserts that he, "... will be part of a committee whose task is to ensure that only credentialed judges, in good standing in their home countries, get a judging opportunity in Miami."  He further makes disparaging remarks about, "... a bunch of untrained wannabes."  This relegates judging eligibility to the realm of politics, whereby a single individual, say Fuchs, can declare another by whim, say me, no longer in good standing thereby nullifying his own prior testimonial to the WOC about my qualifications to judge, with Andy cheering from the sidelines. 
    Andy, I have had a successful career in Science and have less a compulsion to judge orchids than you have to judge judges.  Three years in advance you feel called upon to enforce your own arbitrary standards as to who judges, who does not.  Three years in advance the WOC is placed in danger of being hijacked by authorities more concerned about exercising their own political power than in promoting the study of orchids.  Your pompous judging standards make no provisions for orchid expertise with rarer species, such as the Phaius homboldii judged "Grand Champion" at the Dijon WOC, nor the criterion, explicitly stated at the WOC in Malaysia, of having judged in several international shows.
    Three rounds of Vanda judging at the WOC imply more about the disappointment of Fuchs with the first round than about the incompetency of the judges.  I have served on a particular judging team at the South Florida Orchid Society and was appauled at the intercession of Fuchs to urge us to consider his own entry for more awards than the team originally conferred.  Is this the direction that judging reform should take?  Who watches the watchman?  If current "WOC judging is, so poorly thought of," as you state in your email to me, pray tell by whom, other than by you and Fuchs.  "JUDGE NOT, LEST YOU BE JUDGED YOURSELF."
                                                                            Bert Pressman, Ph.D.
                                                                            Professor Emeritus, Univ. Miami
                                                                            V.P. of nothing
                                                                            Orchid Aficionado, Coral Gables
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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