Most of the new greenhouses I've visited recently seem to favor internal
shade cloth.  What are your experiences?  How is this decision shaped by
the transmission properties of polycarbonate?

--Lisa Thoerle, pleurothallidiot from Little Compton, RI


All of our greenhouses have the shade cloth on the outside.  We found here in 
the Midwest that in the hot summer months there was too much heat buildup from 
having the shade cloth inside.  Having said that I only have experience with 
conventional black mesh cloth, but it makes sense to think if you are blocking 
light and heat it has to give it up to somewhere and that surface will be at 
the point of blocking,  I learned the hard way that keeping the shade cloth 
secured is just a matter of good staking and good restraints.

Hope this helps a little,

Windsong Orchids

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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