Subject: [OGD] Dalton - Guido - Peter

Wow, did I ask or state something to get things going?
Dalton, Laelia purpurata is one of my favorite Laelias. I had 2 x 20+ cane purpurata v Russellianas before I had to sell up my earlier collection of orchids. Both used to flower with 4 to 5 heads of 5 flowers each year plus 5 or 6 or varieties. This is not one of the laelias I questioned. On Aussie Natives, please have a look at them. There are Den. bigibbum plants being sold here that are unbelievable. Guido, my comment on grower friendly names is purely for the simplicity of correct spelling, remembering and not scaring the general hobby grower. There is a fair proportion of hobby growers in the world that cannot spell cattleya properly
Dear Roy,

please bear with me for putting it so bluntly, but Scientists or anoyone else can not start thinking of giving names and make sure that "everyone is capable of correct spelling . I am a ware of that problem as I know that in Germany many people cannot pronounce Paphiopedilum properly and I always refer to a "lecture" by a senior AOS judge in Oakland some 10 years ago who got 8 out of 10 names of orchids wrong. But Roy, that is not the problem of the taxonomist, that is the problem of people believing that it is enough to become a member of an Orchid Society and get one single journal. I am sure you don't want us to start changing taxonomy to make it easy for those who don't want to learn ... I too had to learn how to pronounce scientific words .... and for Ficus even two pronounciatiosn because the correct one is considered" Inappropriate" in the USA .etc. etc. If someone can't prononce "Schlechter" or if someone always write "Schlecter" instead (Jerry Fischer for example) , it really is not the problem of the language but the problem of the people that are not concerned doing it correctly.

( and some nurseries ) along with many other genera in the same context. All I 
am saying is that the more complex the name the more people shy away from them 
because they can't handle the name or it sounds too exotic for them to even 
think of growing in their conditions. Even committed growers have problems.

Then they should ask for advise, and get some good books ..... I said good ones

To all, each to their own, it just make me wonder if a lot of work and adjustments to names etc is done by some to justify their existance. PS. not you Guido !

I am with you on that one Roy  ....all the way.

Prof. Dr. Guido J. Braem
Naunheimer Str. 17
35633 Lahnau

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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