Iris said:

"Apparently this Den. suzukii is a natural hybrid. "

Iris, one parent occurs only at Lake Toba (North Sumatra), the other
only on the Isthmus of Kra (southern Thailand), yet the hybrid appears
1000 km away in a nursery in Vietnam, supposedly wild-collected from a
Vietnamese location left unclear, and apparently no-one has ever seen
it in the wild, and the first flowering of both the "species" and the
hybrid took place only 4 months apart and only a few years after the
discovery of one parent ... exactly the time it takes to grow a
flowering-size Dendrobiums from seed ???? How many coincidences are
you prepared to accept ?

A natural hybrid ? No chance !!! There is nothing natural about "D.
suzukii" ... it is man-made, and proved very lucrative for the

Peter O'Byrne

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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