Roy Lee wrote:
Steve, as I understand it, the name " Dockrillia " in relation to the Aust Nat' 
ex dends, was dropped by the Australian Orchid Council at a meeting because of 
the relationship to the Dockrillia family in other countries was deemed too 
remote and to continue to call the ex Dends, Dockrillia was generally not 
If Colin or someone from the AOC with more info cared to also reply, I would be 
happy to get the full story too.
This change back happen a year or two back I think.  Hopefully Steve we can 
both get the full story but thats as much as I can help with.

and David Banks wrote:
I felt your original comment foolish, (...we find that this conclusion is
not quite right and the plants have gone back to dendrobium) when you could not 
reference the
source. Then it turns out to be from an AOC meeting, where there are no
taxonomists, botanists or many people who would not know much about
dendrobiums anyway! Certainly not a group to dictate the names we call our
plants in Australia.
As an officer of the Australian Orchid Council for 10+ years, I am not aware of 
any discussion or decision on the standing of Dockrillia/Dendrobium during my 
time.... unless I fell asleep!  As David Banks points out there are no 
taxonomists or botanists to even consider this legitimately.

Colin Hamilton
Australian Orchid Council/"OrchidsAustralia"
Rockhampton, Qld. Australia
WORK HARDER - millions on Welfare depend on you

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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