Cathy said:

"All den suzukiis look like suzukiis, all Peng Sengs look like Peng
Sengs, and Peng Sengs don't look like suzukiis."

All "D. suzukiis" don't look alike. There is no such thing as a
"standard suzukii" appearance. Just looking at the flowers of
different plants reveals considerable variations ... in size, sepal
and petal shape, colour, wartyness of lip, width of the sidelobes,
wartyness of the sidelobes, shape of midlobe and shape of midlobe
apex. This is precisely the degree of variation you'd encounter in a
primary hybrid.

All Peng Sengs don't look alike, either. I don't know where your Peng
Seng originated, but the first series of photos I took of this hybrid
were of the originator's first-flowering plant. His original flowers
showed several differences to the one your previous posting refers to
... for instance, the original plant has a mass of red calli totally
obscuring the floor of the lip and the base & middle sections of the
midlobe .... the only wart-free part of the midlobe is the apex. This
feature does not apper in your D. Peng Seng photo, but it is exactly
what your awarded "D. suzukii Belmont Highlands" has got.

"D. Peng Sengs don't look like suzukiis" . ... well, I suggest you
look at a larger sample of each, and compare both your "suzukiis" and
Peng Sengs to the originals.

Icones said: "Reviewing the flowers of the man made hybrid D. Peng
Seng and those of D. suzukii reveals that they don't resemble each
other very much. Column,
lip, side lobes, etc... are very different."

I agree ... but then, one D. suzukii doesn't resemble the next D.
suzukii very much, either, unless you're working from a very limited
range of material. Similarly, one D. Peng Seng doesn't resemble the
next D. Peng Seng particularly closely. In both cases ... just what
you'd expect in a primary hybrid. BTW, What column differences are you
referring to ?

Peter O'Byrne
in Singapore

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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