Short of becoming a professional botanist (taxonomist?), is there any reliable way to differentiate one species of Aerides from another? I have a plant labeled Aerides crassifolium, but I'm not sure that it is, in fact, that species. Everything I've read so far about crassifolium indicates that it has very rigid leaves, moreso than the other species in the genus. It's also described as being small in both height and leaf length. My plant's leaves don't seem (to me at least) to be more rigid than any other Aerides plants I've observed firsthand in the past. In addition, the plant is approximately twenty inches tall (with a ramrod straight stem, too, not a rambling one) and has leaves that are around ten inches long and two inches wide, none of which seems to qualify as small to me. It is getting ready to flower for the first time, so perhaps that might help to narrow down the species. Does anyone grow these plants--and do you know how I can confirm what I have? Thank you!

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