
Anthocyanins are often red pigments, but not all red pigments are
anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are often expressed as red or violet,
depending on the chemistry of the plant, and sometimes blue, such
as in delphiniums. The problem I was demonstrating is that a plant
may have red pigments without having anthocyanins. Such as a tomato,
which is red due to lycopene, but is not an anthocyanin. This is
just one of the hundreds of carotenoids which may produce red colors
in plants.

This is only my academic understanding of plant pigments. We could ask
big joe for clarification, but I suggest we save ourselves the

And correct me if I am wrong, but the ICBN has no set definitions for
designations such as "alba/album" etc., so your posit is not in stone
but only a suggestion based upon rationality?


Dr.> Steve

Dr.> From: Steve Topletz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject:
Dr.> Re: [OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 334
Dr.> To: "the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)"
Dr.> <Orchids@orchidguide.com>Message-ID:
Dr.> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Content-Type:
Dr.> text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dr.> I am not a taxonomist, but I can confirm it.
Dr.> Further, I wouldn't suggest asking a taxonomist as the
Dr.> opinions will be inconsistent. 

Dr.> Steve pleas don't confuse people. Anthocyanins are red
Dr.> pigments. Ofcourse, if the flowers are normally green, or yellow,
Dr.> there may not beany change in colour when
Dr.> the anthocyanin pigments are missing.
Dr.> There is no discussion about all this among taxonomists.
Dr.> Those that saytha "alba" can also have flowers other than white
Dr.> should re-read theirtext books and get a Latin dictionary. 
Dr.> ALBA = WHITE and nothing else, no matter what your
Dr.> education,profession, religion, ethnic group is 

Dr.> Albino =  per botanical definition (valid for all
Dr.> taxonomists) islacking anthocyanin pigments.

Dr.> If this is no longer correct, show me the textbook that says so.

Dr.> Please, Please, remember that most people on the list are
Dr.> not botanists... so don't claim that taxonomists are not agreeing
Dr.> on the above. Itis not true.
Dr.> If anyone says anything different of the above, he/she is
Dr.> not ataxonomist and not a botanist, or slept through the
Dr.> pertinent lectures.

Dr.> Regards
Dr.> Guido

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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