Speaking of orchid production there is a very informative article in the latest issue of Greenhouse Grower on the production of Phalaenopsis written by Erik Runkle, Matthew Blanchard and Roberto Lopez of Michigan State Univ with Yin-Tung Wang of Texas A&M. The sponsers for the research were Gloeckner Foundation, The AOS, Project GREEN and others.
Unfortunatly the article is only available in print not online.
Paul and Diane
-----Original Message-----
From: dennis READ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 07:07 AM
To: 'Orchiddigest'
Subject: [OGD] Orchid production

Last year I spent a month trying to determine orchid production in the orchid producing countries. To say the least - they were all' very economical with the truth'
I eventually worked out that country A would sow the seed, re-plate and pot into 1 inch pots in trays and export X million orchids to country B. This country would grow them on to just before flowering then export X million orchids to country C. This country (near the flower market) grew them to flowering size.
If you add up exports there are 3X million but really it is only X million.
The total money that changed hands was about $15billion.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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