Viateur provided us with a Herald Tribune quote:

in which the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens was reported in the following terms:

".... the Orchid Identification Center, the only place in the world
where people send photos of orchids for classification."

Oh Yeah ?

So maybe I don't exist ?  ....  no, can't be right. I email, therefore
I am. My non-existance has been somewhat exaggerated recently. (Sorry
Andy, better luck next time).

So maybe I imagined all those photos of orchids I get sent for
identification ? No, they exist, therefore they are.

Aha ... I worked it out ! It is a subtle South Florida plot to make me
feel vindicated ! I've been saying for ages that, from a USA
perspective, anything that happens outside the USA doesn't matter and
just it isn't worth bothering about. This article confirms that I WAS

But in that case, why is Mr Stig Dalström planning on travelling to
Thailand, since it is outside the USA and therefore not worth
bothering about ?

Maybe it is because he was Swedish, so he knows better.

But in that case, why has he allowed his name to be attached to such
utter crap ?

Confused in Singapore,

Peter O'Byrne.

Another war-criminal down, several more to go. Keep up the good work !

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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