Iris- I am not overly familiar with wilhelminiae crosses, so I can't say if
the liemianum cross would be easier than the moquettianum cross, other than
that I'd expect them both to be relatively slow to reach blooming size. But
I can say that a single representative of a cross, particularly when paphs
are involved, is not a good indication of whether the cross is difficult or
not. Even among Maudiae's and their related crosses I have found
recalcitrant plants that refused to bloom...and here we are talking about
the "easiest" of paph hybrids. Not only that, but even easy blooming paph
crosses sometimes seem to just quit for no good reason....they just get a
pole up their you-know-what...that is, if they had a you-know-what. I once
had a Maudiae that regularly bloomed with 3 flowers on a stem...and one year
it just quit. I had it for maybe another 10 years, but it never bloomed
again. Part of why I love paphs is their unpredictability.........Take care,
Eric Muehlbauer in damp and still mild Queens NY...still have many plants

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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