From the MSDS:
Chemical Names CAS Numbers Exposure Limits in Air (give units)
    ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL Other(Specify)
Perlite 93-763-70-3 10 mg/M 3 15 mg/M 3

A mineral composed of sodium potassium aluminum silicate of variable composition, Perlite is considered a nuisance dust only.

Alpha-Cristobalite & Tridymite: Less than 0.1%
Alpha Quartz:
0.01 to 0.05%

Ray Barkalow - First Rays Orchids -
Plants, Supplies, Artwork, Books and Lots of Free Info!
----- Original Message -----
From: R Boughner
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: [OGD] perlite dust

As I understand it perlite is expanded glass. I could be mistaken on that
but breathing the dust is bad. almost any dust is bad but some is worse.
like perlite. but wet like iris suggested and its harmless. i would suggest
keeping it away from the children also because i dont think eating it is a
good idea.

Roger in Indy

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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