I am sorry, indeed, to see this excellent catt. breeder go out of business. But are rising Calif. land prices the reason (indeed, are they even rising much at the moment)? Prop 13 protected people like this from rising taxes based on huge increases of land value (indeed gave them an advantage over those who bought later). So in what way did rising land prices "force them out of business"? They didn't. At the end of the day, it was no doubt more profitable for someone to gain a windfall on land than to sell orchids. At least the taxpayers will benefit through hugely increased revenues from the property. As a post-Prop 13 California landowner (less than a month), I say that's a good thing. Much of California's fiscal problems would be resolved if property taxes were fair and equitable.
Harvey Brenneise in sunny San Bernardino [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com