"Deer reduction ensures a healthy forest

... The return of the showy lady's slipper is indicative that the efforts 
to reduce the Presqu'ile Provincial Park [Brighton, Ontario] deer 
population is worth the efforts of Ontario Parks and the Mohawks of the Bay 
of Quinte.

"This orchid showed up this past year that hasn't been seen in years," said 
Park Superintendent Tom Mates. "It was directly related to the deer 
overpopulation and its return shows the balance that is now starting to 

Mates credits the loss of 70 per cent of Rondeau Provincial Park's mature 
tree population to overgrazing by white tailed deer, and insists that the 
annual deer herd reduction (DHR) at Presqu'ile is necessary to ensure that 
the forests are healthy.

A partnership formed between the Mohawks and Ontario Parks sets its sights 
each year on reducing the white tailed deer population at Presqu'ile to 
what is considered a sustainable 35 deer.

According to Mates, using a mathematical deer modelling system, the number 
of deer in the park as of December 2005 was estimated at 100, so the target 
number for this year's DHR will be 65"

source / complete news item :




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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