from a press release :

"OrchidWiz Encyclopedia...
is now used in 36 US states and Puerto Rico...
OrchidWiz Encyclopedia is in use in 13 countries: Australia, Belgium, 
Brazil, Canada, Finland, Germany, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Taiwan, 
Thailand, United Kingdom and Venezuela. Three US states combined account 
for almost 100 users: California, Florida and Texas.

Manuel Aybar, an American Orchid Society judge in Dallas, Texas, says of 
the latest release: "...
Orchidwiz... the 2.0 release... includes an awesome feature, the statistics 
on number of flowers/buds per inflorescence. ... the ability to get the 
data/pictures to Excel or PowerPoint is great...

OrchidWiz Encyclopedia... containing the complete list of orchid species 
from Kew's List of Monocots: more than 25,000 species in total...
The application contains a sophisticated algorithm which allows the user to 
find the accepted species name from synonyms, varieties and even common 
A portion of the 2006 OrchidWiz Encyclopedia proceeds will be donated to 
the American Orchid Society."

source :



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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