Well, Guido, it is a STELIS!  here in Brazil we cannot say anything even after it has bloomed LOL

Just as a curiosity, Pabst shows 66 Stelis species in Brazil, divided in 2 groups. As most of the species look the same, and also vary a lot, it is really hard to identify them. I myself have not even tried anymore, furthermore thay have not been studied in depth as yet. No literature available.

Kew shows 64 species listed to Brazil, but theirs include the species formely belonging to Pleurothallis sect fractiflexae, Physosiphon, etc... I think only about 40 are the old real Stelis, thus whe have about 26 synonyms in Pabst, and some are quite diferent from each other, at least on his drawings.

Here, when it gets down to Stelis all are guesses. Well, maybe Iris is luckier and got one with a personality. It is not a Brazilian one afterall.


At 08:49 24/2/2006, you wrote:
Iris thus wrote:

Last year I innocently bought a plant from J & L labeled Stelis allenii. Looking it up established that it was named by Williams in 1942 and comes from Panama.
According to OrchidWiz, the correct name is Stel. maxima. Looking it up in IPNI shows that a recent name of Stelis maxima is illegitimate, because Lindley had a Stelis maxima from Peru. So what have I got & what is the correct name? It hasn't bloomed yet.

Dear Iris, before the plant blooms, nothing can be said about its identity.

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