Until the human species learns to control it's own reproduction, we can hardly expect to have a positive effect on the whole ecosystem. That is the real issue, and the underlying cause of all that is happening to our planet.

From Mark Sullivan, in part:

...This is what I think and believe. I think humans, as a single species has had more of an impact on environmental change, climate change, and the endangerment or extinction of species, then any other single species in the history of the earth. Most of this impact has happened in the last hundred years. I do believe that if we continue using earth resources with little thought and continue extinguishing species by our action that even though we will survive the current climate change we will continue extinguishing many of the new species that you think are a silver lining to climate change. I do believe, while this current climate change hasn't played itself out, we do have choices, and we can change our actions. We can use the earth's resources more wisely. We can care about conservation of what we may think are trivial species...

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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