Dear Siegrid Stern, Bromeliad Queen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      My time is limited, my intellectual property is valuable. It is
unreasonable to ask for donations of either without more information. What
is the name of the Non-profit group that would be benefiting from my (and
other OGD member's) efforts? Is your non-profit a registered 501(c.)3
entity. What information can be supplied that would demonstrate that this
is not just another for profit site who wants to use content other people
have worked hard to create.  Give us something more than "Hey kids, Let's
rent a barn and put on a Show" to mis-quote Mickey Rooney in an old movie.
Reply to the group, as I am sure there are others in the group who would
donate time and content if they thought this was actually a real
conservation group.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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