A while back there was interest from someone on this list in pictures of the
flowers of an Oe. spathulifera that had flowered. Unfortunately, that was the
one at my office, the outside weather was cold, someone had turned the building
heat down over a weekend, and while the plant itself had no problems the
remaining flowers dropped.

The other spathulifera, in my small greenhouse at home, flowered recently, and
I almost didn't notice - most of the flowers had already fallen when I did -
but I did get a couple of pictures of a flower. They aren't great pictures, but
they're pictures.

The original e-mails are back somewhere in the mists of my disk archives, but 
if anyone interested will e-mail me off list, I'll be glad to send an image.


-- Steve Marak

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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