Thanks Viateur, Below is the complete email to the Editor of my local newspaper and the reason it was sent. The Shoalhaven City Council (NSW South Coast) is to say the least, a developer friendly body and following a recent article where the Mayor stated "Shoalhaven City is a majestic haven for thousands of native species" I saw red (again). This statement comes from a man who described one of the threatened species, Prasophyllum affine, as "nothing more than a bloody stick" and prompty killed nine of them during the construction of a Leisure Centre. Then he expects the rest of the voters to think he is coloured green. I am continually in awe of how this man can walk straight, given his lack of a social conscience. He and he alone is the reason many of our flora and fauna are disappearing, with his propensity to develop every spare blade of grass within the city boundaries, which total 4,660 square kilometres. The threatened species orchids are; Arachnorchis tessellata and the habitat of this species was converted to a Pine Forest during the 1960's. Fortunately it was rediscovered two years ago in a location which will cannot be developed. Speculantha vernalis is endemic to the area as is Corunastylis vernale. We are also blessed with Prasophyllum affine, Oligochaetochils gibbosus, Diplodium pulchellum, Genoplesium baueri, Rhizanthella slateri and Cryptostylis hunteriana. I am responsible for discovering new locations for five of these species. The other three species as yet unnamed are, one Calochilus species, (rediscovered in three new locations by me), but only six plants exist in these three sites plus two Prasophyllum species which I can claim as being newly found by me. All are awaiting new taxonomic status and this will be determined by the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research at the National Botanic Gardens. Yes it seems like I have bragging rights but it is also dammed hard work trying to keep them from the bulldozer. And yet some who know me, wonder why I am such a cranky little b-----d. Trying to protect orhids is like pushing snowballs uphill with your nose.The full text reads as follows.
How pleasing to see the Mayor, Clr Watson is at last prepared to recognise some of the threatened species still remaining within Shoalhaven boundaries. In addition to the cute and cuddlies or fierce and venemous we are blessed with eight orchid species recognised as threatened by the Commonwealth and a further three newly discovered species awaiting formal descriptions. However, at the rate of development within this area the children of today will never get to see any of them except as Herbarium records in the form nof uninspiring colourless pressings or alcohol preserved specimens. Unfortunately these are the type of species unsuited to pot culture, as they are quite specific in their habitat requirements. No money making Wollemi Pines among this lot, just a few struggling orchids awaiting execution by the developer's Bulldozer. 
Alan W Stephenson
NOWRA 44217773
National Conservation Officer
Australasian Native Orchid Society
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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