I have a father, a brother, and a son who are red-green color blind.  We didn’t start looking for this until we got our first color TV many years ago.  Dad was in charge of the new, expensive device, and turned the knobs on it until he got the color just right – it was totally blue and pink.  He thought it was fine, and when the kids changed it to include blues and greens, he couldn’t tell the difference.  We got the hint on my brother when he got old enough to select his own clothes in the morning, and chose some very interesting outfits.


A red-green color blind judge would not be able to tell the difference between dark reds, purples, rust, brown, and dark orange colors.  It makes a difference in the determination of clear or muddy color, and in the comparison with other clones, and the description of the color – all important in the judging process.


li’l frog


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Stanley
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:05 AM
To: Orchids@orchidguide.com
Subject: [OGD] Colour blindness and perception


Over the years I have encountered some half dozen red-green colour-blind adult males while teaching geological map interpretation. Two of them (both of post middle-age) were completely unaware that they were colour-blind at all until they found difficulty in discriminating between very subtly different colours on maps and, later, checked themselves out using Ishihara-type colour dot-pattern charts ***. As I understand it, there are degrees of (or variations in) colour blindness. Some are but slightly affected, others more so. How then would it be possible, desirable, fair, advantageous or even legal to have a ruling preventing a colour-blind person from orchid judging? Am I correct in my belief that almost all colour-blindness is not 'grey scale' .


Maybe a colour blind member of this forum could make his views known. I believe that the phenomenon is mainly sex-linked and that female colour blindness is very rare, but again,maybe an appropriate expert member could put me right?



John Stanley

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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