Hello from Texas! I'm new to the list, and fairly new to orchid 
growing, although I've had some sort of horticultural avocation for 
most of my 61 years. Recently I joined a local orchid society, and am 
looking forward to learning from other members.

Haven't found anyone here yet who is using LED (light-emitting diode) 
lights, as I am, though. I have put together my own fixtures with a 
ratio of 3.5 to 1, red to blue, wide-angle LEDs. The growing area is 
next to a window, so there's some ultraviolet from that, plus a bit 
from my room lighting, which is mostly fluorescent.

It is a grand experiment, just a month old. The initial cost of the 
lights is fairly high, but their long life and low operating cost 
more than makes up for this over time. Of course, I am wondering, 
will I actually be able to get these little green guys to bloom with 
this setup?!!

Anyone else growing orchids under LEDs? I sure would like to hear 
from anyone who is. Or to find books or websites with specific info, 
sources for LED arrays with particular wavelengths, etc.

Pamela Dean
San Antonio TX

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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