>The worrying thing to me about this is tracking all the changes that may
>have been made over the centuries since the original publication.  So,
>in the end, just who is right?

>Colin Hamilton

Colin (et al), it is very simple. The name used in the original publication is 
to be followed. That is the general rule. There are some cases in which the 
correction of proven orthographic errors is allowed. HGR described Cypripedium 
boissierianum (Bonplandia) and Selenipedium boissierianum (Xenia). But even if 
he would have written "bossierianum" it should have been corrected to 
"boissierianum" as the name of the person is known. These rules are in the Code 
(at 2 am I don't feel like looking them up). There is a much better example: 
Warszewicz (Jospeh Ritter von Rawicz) was also a friend of HGR but his name was 
written (and is written) wrong at many occasions. They must be corrected.

However, once again, there are only very "narrow" rules for such corrections. 

Prof. Dr. Guido J. Braem
Naunheimer Str. 17
35633 Lahnau
Tel. +49 6441 65333

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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