I have a an article by Herb Hager on getting seedlings (cattleyas) from flask to bloom in 2 1/2 years.  In it he talks a little bit (like one line) about how he extends day length with artificial light and I recall being impressed by how little light he used. Anyway it may be helpful.  Look at the OrchidSafari Archives.  The link should be near the top. http://www.geocities.com/brassia.geo/OSTA.html
K Barrett
N Calif, USA

> From: Robert Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [OGD] Optimum Photo Period for Cattleya Seedling Growth

> With ever increasing cost of electricity in California (soon to be 
> $.49/kwatt for high end users), I am trying to maximize Cattleya 
> seedling growth with the minimum amount of artificial light.  Does 
> anyone know of a study, peer reviewed or otherwise, where varying photo 
> periods were studied for orchids (preferably Cattleya) to determine 
> optimum growth?  Any observations from orchid growers would be 
> appreciated as well.  Thanks.
> Bob

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