Dear OGD's
 Here is another of the larger genera of the Orchidaceae. It is certainly still quite confusing with a lot of  species that may or may not be synonyms of others and needs a revision. I have heard that Erc Christenson has been working on it for a few years so here's to hoping that he publishes soon!. The list below are the photos that IOSPE could use to be more complete. Hope to hear from many of you with photos. Send as jpeg files to
Response from all the previous lists has been fantastic. Be prepared to see alot of new species soon!
Maxillaria acervata
Max aciantha
 Max acostae
Max acutifolia
Maxilalria adenobrium
Max adolphi
Max adscendens
Maz aequiloba
Max affinis
Max aggregata
max alba
Max albata
Max albiflora
Max  alfaroi
Max allenii
Max alticola
Max  amabilis
Max amazonica
Max amblyantha
Max amparoana
Max ampliflora
Max anatomorum
Max anceps
Max  angustibulbosa
Max angustisegmentata
Max angustissima
Max antioquiana
Max  appendiculoides
Max argyrophylla
Max attenuata
Max atwoodiana
Max aureoglobulba
Max  azulensis
Max barbosae
Max batemannii
Max bennettii
Max bicaulosa
Max bicolor
Max binotii
Max biolley
Max bocazensis
Max boliviarensis
Max boliviensis
Max bolleodes
Max bomboizensis
Max brachybulbon
Max brachypetala
Max brachypoda
Max bracteata
Max bradeorum
Max brevifolia
Max broadwayii
Max burgeri
Max burtonii
Max cachacoensis
Max caespitosa
Max caloglossa
Max camaridioides
Max campanulata
Max canarensis
Max candida
Max caparaoensis
Max caquetana
Max carinulata
Max carolii
Maxillaria cassapensis
Max casta
Max caucae
Max caucana
Max caulina
Max caveroi
Max cedralensis
Max chacoensis
Max chicana
Max chionantha
Max chlorantha
Max christensonii
Max cristobalensis
Max chrysocynoides
Max cleistogama
Max colemani
Max colorata
Max compacta
Max concavilabia
Max condorensis
Max conduplicata
Max connellii
Max convencionis
Max cordyline
Max cornuta
Max costaricensis
Max cozeriana
Max crocea
Max croceorubens
Mas ctenostachys
Max cuencana
Max cuneiformis
Max cuzcoensis
Max cymbidioides
Max cyperfolia
Max dalessandroi
Max darienensis
Max densifolia
Max deuterocaquetana
Max duetropastensis
Max diamantensis
Max dichotoma
Max dichroma
Max disticha
Max diuturna
Max divitiflora
Max dolichophylla
Max dressleriana
Max echinophyta
Max edwardsii
Max elata
Max elegans
Max encyclioides
Max erubescens
Max estradae
Max exaltata
Max falcata
Max farinifera
Max fimbriatiloba
Max floribunda
Max foldatsiana
Max formosa
Max fragrans
Max frechettei
Max fredrici-carolii

Jay Pfahl
The Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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