Dr. Charles E. Bracker wrote

>For the supplemental CO2 to benefit the orchids, four factors must come

>1. Closed environment
>2. Large number of plants for the space included
>3. Proper frequency of application of the CO2 (Determined by trial and
4.> Proper amount of CO2 applied each time (Also determined by trial and

>For Tom Hillson and others, I hope your experience is half as successful as
>mine has been.

>Good luck with whatever method you choose.

Hi Charles

I have wondered about using CO2 for some time now and I can see how this 
method should work well.
I would be interested to know the cubic capacity of the rooms your orchids 
are housed in and some idea
of the size of the dry ice you use. (by cubic measure or weight?)

Thanks for a great idea.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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