The following is the resignation message sent by Carlos Ossenbach on
Tuesday, November 14th to me and quite a few other registrants for the IOCC
III in March, 2007 in Costa Rica. It seems that in the orchid world, good
news travels fast, but bad news travels faster. Before I had a chance to
forward the resignation message to those on my IOCC III mailing list, I
received inquiries from those whom I had not yet notified of the
resignation. Therefore, I choose to share the resignation message with
readers of this list. Carlos is a man of the highest integrity, and during
the years that I have been privileged to know him, he has demonstrated
outstanding organizational skills for the Costa Rican conferences in 2001,
2003, and the IOCC III in 2007. 

Wilella Stimmell, Member of the IOCC III Finance Committee

"Dear friends:

I am sorry to inform you that personal and professional reasons have led me
to resign today from my position on the Organizing Committee of the III
IOCC. Therefore, my functions will be taken over by the staff of Lankester
Botanical Garden. 

>From now on, please direct your questions, registrations, etc. to:

Jorge Warner
Director of Lankester Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 7050

Telephone (506) 552 32 47


Please believe that I have enjoyed communicating with all of you and will
miss sending future bulletins. 

I wish the organizers a most successful event and hope to see you all in
Costa Rica in March of next year.

Warmest regards to all of you,

Carlos Ossenbach"

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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