I heard it but I can't believe it. A phone call this evening informed me of a 
plant to drain a wetland on the Barrington Tops area in New South Wales, about 
two hours north of Sydney. The area of interest is Poll Blue Swamp, a pristine 
montane area rich in orchids both terrestrial and epiphytic. The status of the 
land is uncertain at the moment but the plan is to drain the swamp and mine the 
area for sapphires and rubies. Information says these are of average quality. 
Hard to belive in this so-called enightened age this type environmental 
savagery could still be permitted. More information will be available in the 
next week as facts are uncovered.
Alan W Stephenson
National Conservation Officer
Australasian Native Orchid Society
Conservation Director
Australian Orchid Council  
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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