"greig russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spaketh thusly:

>On the side, I am making a study of Criocerine leaf beetles that 
>feed on orchids. Aside from the better known Australian Dendrobium 
>beetle - Stethopachys; the SE Asian "orchid Lema", Lema pectoralis; 
>and the Lema species that I am studying here in South Africa (Lema 
>cf. jolofa); it appears that there is a species that feeds on 
>Vanilla, and this has been mentioned in the book: BOURIQUET, G. 
>(1954). Le vanillier et la vanille dans le monde; origine, 
>caryologie, morphologie et histologie, syste matique, e cologie, 
>microflore des sols de vanilleraies, multiplication, cultures, 
>maladies et ennemis, technologie, chimie, alte rations, fraudes, 
>vanillisme, conditionnement, commerce. Encyclope die biologique, 46. 
>Paris, Editions P. Lechevalier.
>I have already nagged some of the list members about this privately, 
>so far unfortunately without any success.
>If anyone has the book, or access to it, I would deeply appreciate a 
>scan of the page(s) concerning Bradylema grandis (from page 489).

         Not that I have access to the book, but there's an excellent 
reference on the web to see if you have a copy in a nearby library 
(none are listed for .za- sorry again, Greig). 
www.worldcatlibraries.org will allow one to search for a given title 
(author, book, or periodical) and based on your IP address show you 
the nearest libraries in the system that have what you're looking for.

         Remarkably useful.


         Chandler, AZ

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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