Now hold on a minute...I have been a member of this group, OGD, its 
immediate predecessor, OGO, and its grandparent OLD....I must say that I can 
understand why a beginner would find this forum intimidating...we have some 
strong personalities here...but it really should not be that scary to a 
newbie. FWIW, a beginner question posed here will get a range of responses, 
that will give a beginner a good idea of the range of potential answers. 
They also will, by and large, be stated politely. Its really the more 
knowledgable people here who provoke discussions that may, to the 
uninitiated, appear to be quite nasty...well, sometimes, truth be told, they 
are. But this is of no concern to a beginner. Maybe, some day you too shall 
be an experienced grower with strong opinions and possibly grudges to carry. 
But meanwhile don't be turned off to this list. It is a perverse quality of 
this list that the most contentious postings provoke the most responses and 
discussions...this is nothing compared to some of what we have seen in the 
past. But, I truly feel that all the "lurkers" here, beginners and shy 
people...should all post their questions. A civilly posed question will 
receive a civil, and informative answer. No one here gets an abrasive 
response just for being a beginner...This list is what you want it to be. By 
all means, beginners, newbies, closet growers, etc...please post! You will 
generate a lot of discussion that will benefit you...and if it provokes an 
argument between the so-called experts, grab some popcorn, sit back, and 
enjoy.................Take care, Eric Muehlbauer in finally warming Queens 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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