Rick who says:

>No recollection of online orchid discussions should neglect to offer 
>acknowledgements and gratitude to Willis Dair, creator of OLD and 
>the godfather of subsequent forums. How quickly we forget! 

I doubt that any OLD subscriber has forgotten Willis, or is not thankful for 
the effort he put into OLD. 

When our OLD posts failed to come to us in the usual Digest, and OLD went SILENT
without any explanation from Willis, believe me, many of us tried to find out 
the reasons. Our
private e-mails to Willis went unanswered.  I believe Troy Meyers,a close 
friend of Willis, tried to
find out. I never heard that he did. 

Perhaps Willis just wanted to disappear from the forum scene?

If you know the answer, please tell us Rick.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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