My nursery was entirely geothermally heated in New Zealand from 1984-2000. 
Funnily our biggest problem was in getting water suitable for watering the 
orchids and we had to pipe this about a mile or so. Every time you tried to 
sink a well on the property you got thermally heated water!

But New Zealand has really failed to take advantage of this resource and most 
goes to waste. Too much Governmental interference and the indigenous people 
laying extravagant claims to something that they stole from the previous 
inhabitants. I often thought that if the area where I had my nursery (Rotorua) 
had been in The Netherlands, there would have been efficient greenhouses as far 
as the eye could see, all utilizing the wonderful geothermal resource. If you 
drilled and got an artesianing bore at say 90 degrees Centigrade, you would cap 
it and drill again to get better! A renewable and very money-saving resource.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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