You are absolutely correct, Jerry.  A model release signed by the owner
of any "inanimate or non-human subject" is just as legally binding as one
signed by or for a professional model ... if a release doesn't exist, you
don't have the right to take the picture for either profit or public display
... personal use and enjoyment is another matter however.  Of course those
laws vary widely, and their enforcement or lack of enforcement varies even
more widely!  Anything owned by the public or by the government is in
general exempt from those laws, or at least they were the last time that I
lived and worked within the system.

Regards/Roger, in Bangkok

On 6/12/07, Jill & Jerry Suffolk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>           All of this talk of copyright on EBay and other places reminds
> me of discussions I have had some years ago with AOS judges. A lot of them
> think that the AOS has the copyright when you take award photographs. They
> believed that you did not buy the film you do not have the copyright. There
> was a famous case were Cecil B. Deville a early film maker took a film
> studio to court about the same subject and won. Since then you sign a waver
> to the owner of the film giving them the right to publish. The  waver states
> what rights you give. When as a AOS photographer you sign your name at the
> bottom of the judging list that has now become theirs and yours waver. I do
> remember some time long time back [doing AOS photos for more than 20 years]
> that they had a proper release form around. I have to say that the only
> people ask if they can use my AOS photographs is the International
> Phalaenopsis Alliance from which they send me a copy of the magazine
> Jerry
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