I have been ranting on about this species in Australia since 1997 when I was 
able to identify a locally discovered plant and later on this forum when I 
managed to find a local plant on my own. However, I regret to inform those 
interested that the major population at the type site of Bulahdelah, will be 
diminished by a large number during the next year or so, due to the recent 
state government approval to construct a four lane highway through this 
Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). Offending plants are to be removed, 
stored in a "Trial" Cryogenic facility and relocated to another site, when and 
if the ability to do that becomes a reality, following a hastily arranged and 
yet uncompleted scientific study. I just love a Government department engaging 
in a "Trial " with an EEC, particularly when that department is the road 
builder and not the environment department, which will have some oversight and 
monitoring reponsibilities but not the final say on anything. The same will 
also occur with the saprophytic species Cryptostylis hunteriana. Sites for 
translocation are expected to be selected from unwanted land acquired for the 
road by-pass. A further recently named species, Corybas dowlingii will also be 
translocated and is of the three species involved, the only species with a 
reasonable chance of survival. The sudden reason for this activity is to ensure 
the Federal Government contribution of $50M AUD is accounted for and spent by 
2009 or it will be withdrawn. At least the scientific study is being undertaken 
by the right person and that is probably the only good part of the whole sorry 
exercise. I truly hope some ground breaking facts result from this work or the 
realities of Big Yellow Taxi will envelop us all.
Alan W Stephenson
National Conservation Officer
Australasian Native Orchid Society
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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