Hi Ogd's
 The list below is for species in some of the odder African genera.
 AS before, if you have any photos of the species on this list please e-mail 
them to me as jpeg files and send to 
Ancistrorhynchus akeassiae
Ancistrohynchos brevifolius
Ancistrorhynchos clandestinus Ancistrorhynchos constrictus
Ancisrorhynchos crystalensis
Ancictrorhynchos laxiflorus
Ancistrorhynchos metteniae
Ancistrorhynchos ovatus
Ancistrorhynchos parviflorus
Ancistrorhynchos recurvus
Ancistrorhynchos refractus
Ancistrorhynchos schumannii
Ancistrorhynchos serratus
Ancistrorhynchos strausii
Ancistrorhynchis tenuicaulis
Angraecopsis amanensis
Angraecopsis cryptantha
Angraecopsis dolabriformis
Angraecopsis elliptica
Angraecopsis gassneri
Angraecopsis gracillima
Angraecopsis hallei
Angraecopsis holochila
Angraecopsis ischnopus
Angraecopsis lisowskii
Angraecopsis lovettii 
Angraecopsis  macrophylla
Angraecopsis malawiensis
Angraecopsis parva
Angraecopsis parviflora
Angraecopsis pobeguinii
Angraecopsis pusilla
Angraecopsis  tenerrima
Angraecopsis tridens
Angraecopsis trifurca
Beclardia grandiflora
Bolusiella alinae
Bolusiella batesii
Bolusiella iridifolia and subsp picea
Bolusiella lebeliana
Bolusiella zenkeri
Cardiochilos williamsonii
Chamaeangis  lanceolata

Chamaeangis letouzeyi

Chamaeangis pauciflora

Chamaeangis thomensis

Chamaeangis vagans

Chamaeangis gabonensis

Chamaeangis kloetzliana

Chamaeangis sarcophylla

Chauliodon deflexicalcaratum

Cribbia brachyceras

Cribbia confusa

Cribbia thomensis

Cyrtorchis acuminata

Cyrtorchis aschersonii

Cyrtorchis glaucifolia

Cyrtorchis neglecta

Cyrtorchis seretii

Cyrtorchis brownii

Cyrtorchis henriquesiana

Cyrtorchis injoloensis

Cyrtorchis monteiroae

Cyrtorchis ringens

Diaphananthe acuta

Diaphananthe alfredi

Diaphananthe arbonnieri

Diapahanathe bueae

Diapahnanthe caffra

Diapahanathe ceriflora

Diaphananthe delepierreana

Diaphanathe divitiflora

Diaphananthe dortheae

Diaphananthe eggelingii

Diaphananthe fragrantissima

Diaphananthe garayana

Diaphananthe lorifolia

Diaphananthe millarii

Diaphananthe papagayi

Diaphananthe plehniana

 Diaphananthe rohrii

Diaphanathe sanfordiana

Diaphananthe sarcorhynchoides

 Diaphananthe suborbicularis

Diaphananthe vandiformis

Diaphananthe welitschii

Dinklageella liberica

Dinklageella minor

Dinklageella villiersii

Distylodon comptum

Eggelingia clavata

Eggelingia gabonensis

Eggelingia ligulifolia

Margelliantha clavata

Margelliantha globularis

Margellianatha leedalii

Jay Pfahl

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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