frank thrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spaketh thusly:

>Barbara. Look at it this way. None of us would knowingly purchase 
>illegally imported plants.

         A bit of an odd statement.

         When someone buys a box of paphs from Asia and has them sent 
to their doorstep in the United States- only to be intercepted by 
ICE- and ends up getting one heck of a stiff fine out of the deal, I 
would opine they knew precisely what they're doing. When every single 
species in that box is of the sort one cannot purchase legally in the 
United States- not just because they're Appendix I but because they 
are not available on the market- I would say it's a certainty.

         And does it happen? Oh, yes it does- and the physician who 
bought them was fined $10,000.

         Chandler, AZ

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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