I think Terry misunderstood Peter's comments about the legality of 
Vietnamese orchids. My understanding is that Peter said that he believed 
that, according to CITES regulations, any plant that originated directly 
from Vietnam was illegal. The Antec vietnamense that was sold by them 
originated in the US, flasked from parents that illegally entered the US and 
were confiscated. The parent, which came from Vietnam, were illegal. The 
confiscated plants were offerred to be shipped back to Vietnam. When they 
declined (or simply did not respond), the paphs were sent to plant rescue 
centers. I don't know how many, but I believe the NY Botanic Garden was one 
of them. The Antec plants were produced from seed pods set on the first US 
grown growths on the parent plants. Therefore, in terms of both CITES and 
the USFW interpretation of CITES, these vietnamense were fully legal. 
However, these legal paphs did not originate in Vietnam. I cannot say 
whether Peter is entirely correct with regard to all Vietnamese orchids, as 
I have no area of expertise or experience that could confirm or deny Peter's 
contention. However, other than the Antec vietnamense and helenae which 
originated from propagated rescued plants, I believe that Peter's statements 
are probably quite true with regards to paphs. Take care, Eric Muehlbauer in 
still hot and mosquito (Asian tigers!) infested Queens NY....Paphs 
charlesworthii and appletonianum in bud..... 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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