One method I have used is to use a scanner and scan the labels, by  
enlarging them in a photo enhancement program and boosting the  
contrast, I can read the label and get the name off it. This does not  
work on everything, but it works on most, it has been speculated the  
UV light of the scanner bulb caused the residual ink to be visible  
bringing the writing out on many labels. You want to try this as soon  
as you notice the ink is fading, the longer you wait, the less chance  
you have of getting any image off the label.

I started several years ago, using a Brother label maker to make  
laminated labels I can stick on my plastic labels, I have been using  
them for about 5 years and none of them are showing any sign of  
fading. Also, a good old number 2 pencil is much better than any type  
of ink label pen I have tried and I have tried several that claim to  
never fade.

| Tom Hillson                         Orchid Grower Specializing
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]            In Paphs and Pleurothallids
|"There is always room for one more Orchid!!"

On Oct 14, 2007, at 5:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Unfortunately orchid vendors continue to label orchids with magic  
> markers
> and other indelible markers.  More unfortunately is that they are not
> indelible, and fade with time.  Seems like #1 pencils are far  
> superior for  labeling.
> Does anyone have a method or formula for recovering the data on faded
> labels?
> Rico
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