My track record with Cattleya is
  absolutely terrible, so I am very open to suggestions ... media ...
  hardening ... successful voodoo incantations ... anything and everything:-))

  Regards/Roger, in Bangkok

Roger, I lost every flask I tried for 40 years to damp off.  Probably too lazy 
to do the fungicide thing.  So, my recent successes (4) involve opening the 
flask and filling the jar with Cleary's 3336 equivalent (Thiophanate Methyl) 
and letting this set for an hour or 2, then drain and replace the lid with a 
little air gap, like a sq. inch.  Then every day I soak the plantlets with the 
same stuff and drain and replace the lid for the next 3 or 4 weeks, AND 
gradually open the lid area further.  I had to break off the upper third of the 
whiskey bottles some came in.  After this gradual toughening up, I plant out in 
a fine mix, and keep up the Cleary's every few days.  Not sure if this actually 
slows the plants down, but I had so much probable fusarium wilt in the GH, that 
I have to assume that there are a ton of spores around.

I believe the virulence of the Fusarium, and a little rust, and a lot of severe 
damage/death to fine terete leaved plants and fine leaved bulbless plants like 
Bollea and Cochleathes, was due to repeated use of Neem oil.  I suspect that in 
our area, the retailers, and possibly the supply chain, are damaging the stuff 
by high and low temp storage.   Storage temps are supposed to be 55 to 85 F 
with special requirement of protect from freezing.  It is being stored outside 
here in Prescott down to 5 F and stored out side in Phoenix up to 120 F.  I 
also suspect the dreaded Phal micro fungus is due to neem oil use, or other 
improperly treated horticultural oil use.  I have had similar damage on a few 
Phals when I only had a few of these plants.  I now have 2 dozen Phals, and the 
only plant showing similar damage was a Phal hanging on the edge of my bench 
where it was receiving the over spray of neem oil while I was limiting the 
spray to only plants known to attract mites, and doing individual spraying 
standing in the middle of my GH aisle.

I will never use Neem oil again, or any other oil, as there is no way to tell 
what the product has been thru.  Well, if they add some of those temp sensitive 
color patches on the bottle, it might make me reconsider.  But they would never 
do it, as they would lose their shirt on returned product.

Cynthia, Prescott, AZ
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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