Hi Nina,

If you can find a copy of  W.G.G. Moir's little (trade paper) book, "Creating 
Oncidiinae Intergenerics", wherein some of the combinations he tried using 
Trichopilia turned out he discusses, it should be worth the read.  The ISBN is 

Some were apparently not very happy combinations and grew poorly or scarcely 
bloomed.  A few showed some potential but no one has taken the reins in their 
hands so far and threaded their way through the maze of breeding combinations 
to produce some things with Trichos that would be desirable to the average 
orchid grower.  The best one can hope for it to find a plant or two from Moir's 
breeding that is still hiding in some backyard collection and adopt it for 
one's own collection.

I have seen a few Trichopilia intragenerics that were interesting.  And there 
was one grower in the Orlando area who had one she grew into a nice specimen in 
a 12" wire basket.  It used to bloom for the Central Florida OS show.  Once she 
exhibited it with over a dozen flowers. Smelled good, too...

I checked on ABE Book Search and there are several copies of Moirs' book there, 
but they are pricey, starting at about $75.00!  Wow, they were only twenty 
bucks brand new in 1982.  Maybe it can be got thru and Inter-library loan from 
somewhere.  There are several copies on Amazon.com for about $50.00.  There are 
some for $99 on Half.com.

In spite of the price, there is a lot of practical experience logged by Mr. 
Moir in this book (and the two other of his titles).

Hope this helps...

Paul Mitchell

Tampa, FL


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