What the article did not mention was that Dr Rivero's 
exhibit at the Puerto Rico Orchid Society Show won the AOS
Show  Trophy  . Four plants in his Exhibit won AOS awards.
And one of his  dendrobiums species won the Trophy for the
Show Grand Champion Plant.
 The AOS Show Trophy is his second in a row as  the week
before , his  exhibit at the St Croix Orchid Society won the
AOS Show Trophy. 
 Luis is in his therd year as a Student Judge serving out of
the Florida  Caribbean Judging Center and it is expected to
be approved for raising to  Probationary Judge come the next
business meeting of the Center and the next  Members Meeting
of the AOS.
 I am more than lucky to have him as one of my friends.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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