"Callman and Frances Au... specialize in growing the fragrant hanging 
Honohono orchids [dendrobiums].
Au says crumbling up the Hawaiian Hapu'u  [tree fern] root [?] is great for 
feeding it daily with water and fertilizer.
Au uses a slow release fertilizer, Nutricote that feeds his orchids daily 
for 100 days.

"Often times we put fertilizer and say I did fertilize it five months ago 
and I don't need to fertilize more often. But that's not true. You need to 
fertilize more often with less fertilizer."
And don't worry if you're "hanging" orchids drop leaves, it's normal. After 
your orchid blooms don't cut the old "cane" or stem off if it's a standing 
orchid, but for hanging Honohono's do. Cut from the top, let it rest and 
water it, new shoots will grow out. Cut into small segments and replant it 
for another Honohono plant."

URL : http://kgmb9.com/main/content/view/4762/104/



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