But this no-man's-land of old was also home to an astonishing variety of 
wildlife that flourished where the barrier separating communist east 
from capitalist west stood.If plans stay on course and the political 
will is backed with financial resources, the Iron Curtain trail could 
become one of the longest nature reserves on earth.
The former border is part of a European green belt 4,200 miles long. If 
the European Union gets its way, the entire interlinking nature reserves 
will stretch for 4,250 miles, starting at the Arctic Sea, running along 
Finland's border with Russia, through the Baltic states and Poland to 
Germany, then skirt Austria's border with the Czech Republic, Slovakia 
and Hungary before following the Danube to the Black Sea.

Heron colonies, otters, the black stork and the lady's slipper orchid 
can be found. Rare moss grows on the concrete stumps that once housed 
automatic guns, bats nest in the remains of bunkers and watchtowers and 
rare egrets, warblers and other species delight nature lovers from 
around the world.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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